Ed Rotz
Ed has been involved in local church ministry for over 45 years. He served as the solo pastor of a turnaround church for six years in El Dorado, KS before relocating to Topeka, KS. There he served a local church for a total of 27 years in various roles: interim pastor, assistant pastor and lead pastor. In 2007, after sensing a definite call from God, he became a district superintendent for The Wesleyan Church in Kansas and served in that capacity for twelve years. He brings a love for pastors and the local church plus tons of experience in his role with PastorServe.
Ed grew up in Colorado Springs. He is an ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in pastoral ministry from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Later, he also graduated with an M.S. in Human Development and Family Studies from Kansas State University, with a focus on marriage and family therapy. He and his wife Sharon continue to live in Topeka and are actively involved in the local church they once served. They have two adult children, a daughter and son, and four grandchildren.