Jeannie Martin
The saying “Learn a language, gain a soul” is a great descriptor of the path Jeannie’s life has taken. Not long after graduating from Grace College, she began what would total 20 years of church-planting and development in France, first as a single, then later with her husband, Dennis. Commissioned and sent by Encompass World Partners, she learned that ministry in a post-Christendom, militantly secular environment must happen through the patient cultivation of trusting, caring relationships.
Since being back in her hometown of Colorado Springs, she’s served as support staff in a large, multi-site church where she continually sought opportunities to strengthen the souls of those who strengthen souls.
Jeannie joined the PastorServe team in 2018 to continue her ministry focusing on coaching and supporting Pastor’s wives. Jeannie and Dennis are parents of 3 daughters.