The hallmark of pre-pandemic life was busyness. Crammed calendars, endless activity, hurried family life.
As the pastor’s wife, you wondered, “Am I doing enough?”
Then everything was upended. Our adrenaline-fueled energies spent establishing infrastructure for just about everything: school, church, groceries, workspaces.
And still you wonder, “Am I doing enough? For my husband, my kids, the church, my job? For God?”
Scrolling social media, we’re urged to do more. To try harder. Comparison with others leaves us feeling inadequate and alone.
Jesus & the Bethany Sisters
(Luke 10:38-42)
When the story of Mary and Martha is told through the lens of comparison, Martha doesn’t come out very well. Sadly, we also miss the tenderness of her encounter with Jesus.
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village.
And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.
The first thing we hear about Martha is her welcome. She receives Jesus and his disciples into her home. With a house full of people her gift of hospitality kicks into high gear.
And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.
For Mary everything stopped. She soaked in his presence learning from the mouth of God himself.
But Martha was distracted with much serving.
Martha was so busy doing for God it kept her distracted from God. Maybe unintentionally instead of God.
Overwhelmed by tasks, perhaps driven by perfection, she assumes her sister should do the same.
And she went up to him and said,
“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?
Tell her then to help me.”
When was the last time you marched up to Jesus and said “Lord, do you not care that I’m the only one…?”
I wonder what Martha knew about Jesus that freed her to approach him with such honesty and confidence. His response gives us a glimpse:
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha,
you are anxious and troubled about many things,
but one thing is necessary.
Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
Jesus calls her by name. Twice.
Kind and compassionate, he answers not her request, but her question, “Lord, do you not care?”
He acknowledges how she is feeling. Without reprimand, he invites her to receive from him what Mary is already enjoying.
I see you, Martha. You are carrying so much right now, more than you need to. Come, sit with us.
Luke ends his account here, but it’s not hard to imagine Mary patting the floor beside her and Martha joining them. Reassured, relieved, realigned.
Martha welcomed Jesus into her house.
He welcomes her into his Life.
When we are with God, he works in us. And what he does in us, he wants to do through us and with us. This is the essence of ministry.
Are you overwhelmed? Anxious about what post-pandemic life will demand? Alone?
Listen for your name. He beckons you to the one thing that is necessary right now: to be still and know that he is God.
Be still and know that he is God while sitting quietly. While doing the dishes. While admiring a spring blossom. While reading a child a story.
Remember when Jesus enters the house, so does eternity. There will be time for all that must be done.
And He is enough.
Jeanne Martin is the National Director of PastorServe Pastors Wives Ministry. PastorServe was founded in 1999 for the purpose of strengthening Churches by serving pastors. Since then, PastorServe has grown to more than forty team members who have dedicated their lives to caring for pastors. PastorServe regional offices are located in Portland (Northwest Region), Colorado Springs (Rocky Mountain Region), Kansas City (Midwest Region), Houston (South Texas Region), Atlanta (Southeast Region), Ft. Lauderdale (South Florida Region) and Haiti. The PastorServe team is ready to serve!
Photo Credits:
Busy Staircase Photo by José Martín Ramírez C on Unsplash
A Drop of Sunshine Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash