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God in the Valley


We trust that Easter, though different, was a sacred opportunity to proclaim the transformational hope offered by our Risen Lord Jesus!

In the afterglow of Easter, let’s look back to one of the most important moments of Jesus’ passion. In John chapter 18 Jesus and his disciples cross the Kidron Valley. Only John specifically mentions this geographical fact, right as the passion story kicks off.

One could say that Jesus and his disciples go through the darkest valley of their lives beginning at that moment. Jesus is betrayed, he has a gut wrenching prayer time with his Father, he is accused falsely and no one defends him, his best friend denies that he knows them, he is beaten several times and physically traumatized, he is derided by the very crowds that cheered him just a few days earlier. Ultimately, he is crucified and dies. What a valley!

Similarly, the disciples all go through their own valleys. Their valley includes self-doubt, recrimination, guilt, despair, confusion, fear, and the horrific trauma of watching their friend and Lord being crucified. (Luke 23:49)

Right now, our country, and the whole world, is in a valley. Many are experiencing some of the feelings the disciples experienced. People are afraid of contracting the COVID-19 virus. People are grieving those lost to the virus. People are depressed because they have no work, or they don’t know when or how they will restart their businesses.

Yet, God is with us in the valley!

Yet, God is with us in the valley! (Psalm 23:4.) His presence gives us hope. He comforts us. He restores our soul. He is the God who overcomes evil again and again. He can work good for those who love him, and are called according to Christ Jesus. And we get to proclaim that truth. Week after week, Easter and beyond!

Thank you so much for your role in that! Thank you for proclaiming the gospel! It is the power of God. (Romans 1:16) The gospel changes people. He becomes their Good Shepherd when they surrender to Him. He begins to walk through the valleys with them to comfort them. He begins to cause all things to work together for good in their lives. I am thankful for your diligent work to proclaim this truth week after week! It matters! You matter! Thank you!

More Resources

Quarantine Playlist
Created by Wes Crawford

VIDEO: CarePortal Disaster Relief 101: Church – In coordination with U.S. Dep’t of Health & Human Services, The Global Orphan Project has launched the CarePortal COVID 19 disaster relief platform for local churches to meet local needs. This is an outstanding tool for every church as the infrastructure is already in place!

The Churches Helping Churches Initiative is Outstanding

Coronavirus and the Church – This is the most comprehensive site for pastors and churches to find support and resources.

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