A team of nine recently traveled to Haiti to serve pastors and their spouses at the 2015 PastorServe Haiti Pastors Conference. The Lord graciously used the conference to renew marriages, recharge weary souls and bring Gospel transformation. In PastorServe’s sixteen-year history, this conference ranks near the top in terms of transformational impact upon pastors’ lives.
Nothing like this conference is done anywhere else in Haiti. It is only at the PastorServe conference that pastors and their spouses are invited to a resort for teaching, encouragement and refreshment. There were so many answered prayers; it would be impossible to document them all in one brief report. Allow me to touch on three highlights.
First, it was a miracle the conference even happened! We were aware that nationwide protests (due to political instability) could potentially impede transportation, making it impossible for some pastors and their spouse to attend the conference. Six days before the conference, a calm fell over Haiti. The protests temporarily ceased and transportation flowed uninhibited. The Wednesday the conference concluded, the protests resumed. It was if the Lord graciously granted us a window to love and care for pastors and their spouses.
Second, we planned on fifty couples. We knew this was a lofty goal, but we believed the Lord placed that number on our heart. We were somewhat shocked and amazed when fifty-seven couples arrived at Kaliko – the conference location. We are still trying to find out how the additional seven couples came – but this is Haiti – where you learn to go with the flow. By God’s grace, there was a small hotel next door that had open rooms. Clearly, the Lord knew our capacity – and He filled it. We could not have taken one more couple. Along with the PastorServe team and a worship band – we had 130 people.
Third, on Wednesday morning, several of the Haitian leaders called the PastorServe team to the front to present us with gifts of thanks. They said, “Many people come from America and primarily treat us like we are poor. PastorServe comes to Haiti and treats us like peers. We don’t feel like you are American. We feel like you are Haitian.” I have been deeply involved in Haiti for nearly twenty years, and honestly, this was the greatest compliment PastorServe could ever receive. Most of our team was in tears as they concluded by praying over the PastorServe team.
Here are a few reflections from pastors and wives who attended the conference…
- I can’t find the words to express the value the conference provided to our family and our ministry.
- We received so many blessings at this conference. What a great and wonderful time!
- PastorServe served our soul.
- The help I received at the PastorServe conference is bringing healing and restoration to my marriage.
- The conference was life changing. Before, my wife and I weren’t good friends, but after the conference, something changed. Now, we are two good friends.
- We had a chance to meet with wonderful, wise, gracious men of God.
- Honestly, I came to the conference depleted. The conference restored my soul.
The conference was diverse! We had leaders from six different regions of Haiti. We had Baptists, Presbyterians and Pentecostals and everything in between. We had several pastors attend who are regarded as national religious leaders, some who oversee large networks of pastors. This means that what took place at the conference will influence thousands pastors throughout Haiti. Several pastors let me know that they would be teaching the material taught at the PastorServe conference to their own networks in the coming weeks.
Thank you for caring for pastors. PastorServe couldn’t move forward to extend care – in Haiti or the USA without your faithful prayer support and generous financial partnership.
Amazed by the Grace of the Lord Jesus,
Jimmy Dodd
Founder and President
The Haiti conference budget was close to $1,000 per pastoral couple. This included transportation, lodging, meals, conference registration, a beautiful welcome gift and a seventeen book pastoral library for every couple. The additional seven couples were a blessing, and yet their unexpected presence caused us to go over budget on the conference. I would ask you to prayerfully consider giving an additional gift to PastorServe to help pay for the additional pastoral couples. Thank you!