PastorServe has been involved in Haiti for twenty years. We have pastored Haitian pastors, served pastors’ marriages and cared for the local church. Three years ago, Haitian pastor and well-known leader Pastor Kesnel Joseph joined the PastorServe team to provide ongoing care and counsel to Haiti pastors. A part of our heart lies in Haiti.
On May 10 and 11, PastorServe hosted our fourth Haiti Pastors Conference – and our first sans Americans!
In 2013, we launched our PastorServe Haiti Pastors Conference. The conference was for pastors and their spouses (unheard of in Haiti) and would focus on soul care. We emphasized the health of their marriage, their personal spiritual health and the need for rest! More than 90% of Haitian pastors have NEVER had a vacation and more than 80% NEVER take a day off. In Haiti, pastors never stop working. Dozens of pastors have told us that never before – in the history of Haiti – have pastors and their spouses been invited to a resort for teaching, encouragement, counseling and refreshment.
Last year, as we prepared to host our fourth Haitian Pastors Conference at the Decameron resort, located 90 minutes north of Port-au-Prince, things began to go sideways in Haiti. The government doubled their gas prices (from $4 to $8 a gallon), which led to widespread riots. After a period of demonstrations, the government relented and returned the gas prices to their original level. But, the damage had been done. President Moise, a fringe party president was exposed as vulnerable. The presidential opposition, led by majority party leader Celeste, viewed the crisis as an opportunity to topple the government. In November, the crisis hit a breaking point as riots broke out throughout the country. All transportation was shut down. Roads were daily blocked by semis or burning tires. Every school was closed. Literally, the roads were empty. The US government raised the Haiti travel advisory to Level 4 (do not travel), the first time they had done so in decades.
We postponed the 2018 conference, rescheduling it for May 2019. We hoped and prayed that calm would return allowing us to travel to Haiti. Sadly, the unrest in Haiti has only intensified. Roads continue to be blocked. Random violence continues to be the norm. With broken hearts, we again postponed the Haiti Pastors Conference… until Pastor Kesnel encouraged us to press ahead – without any US PastorServe staff present! And so, on May 10 and 11, PastorServe hosted our first Haiti Pastors Conference – sans Americans! And you know what?? It was a resounding success!
While the US PastorServe team looks forward to one day returning to Haiti, what a blessing to know that conferences can go on – without any Americans! Haitians led every detail of the conference. Pastor Kesnel and his team did all the planning. A hospitality team was created to provide lodging for pastors on Friday night. Haitians provided the worship and the teaching. They brought in a team to prepare the meals. PastorServe provided funds for travel allowing pastors from around the country to brave the dangerous roads and travel to the conference. We could not be more pleased with the outcome! What originally looked to be a disaster, God used for good! The conference went forward, Haiti leaders stepped up and pastors were blessed!
Thank you for your partnership with PastorServe that allows us to minister to pastors, in the USA and Haiti! We need partners like you to join with us as we Strengthen the Church by Serving Pastors. Through your continued partnership, we continue to minister to thousands of leaders who desperately need to hear the message of Gospel Grace. We could not do the work of this ministry apart from friends like you. Thank you!!
Please remember Haiti and Pastor Kesnel in your prayers.
Grace and Peace in Jesus,
Jimmy Dodd, Founder and CEO