Dear Friends,
Happy Easter! A little late with my greeting, you say? Au contraire! Let me explain.
Let’s face it. We are weak if not altogether wretched at commemorating special days. We devote one day to birthdays, one day to weddings and one day to celebrating the Risen Lord Jesus on Easter Sunday. Couldn’t we do a little better! Shouldn’t your birthday celebration last a week?!
Let’s start with weddings. In the days of Jesus, when a man fell in love with a woman and desired marriage, they would have a special engagement ceremony after which, for the next year – the man and woman would remain apart. During that year, the bridegroom would build a home right next door to the house where he grew up. This is the house where he would live with his wife.
When the new house was finished, on a night unknown to the bride, the groom would call his friends together and they would walk to the bride’s house, each one carrying a torch. And when they came close to the house of the bride, the friends of the bridegroom would begin to yell as loud as they could, “The bridegroom is coming!”
Can you imagine how excited the bride would be when she heard that shout! She would call her friends together, and they would all walk back to the new home. And when they walked into the new house – well, it was the biggest party you could ever imagine! And that was just the first night. The couple would not be married until the next day. And then the celebration would last for several days! Now that’s a wedding!!
What about Easter? Traditionally, on the Christian calendar, Easter Sunday begins Eastertide, a Fifty Day feast of joy during which the church would celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each Sunday (for seven consecutive weeks) is called the Great Lord's Day and treated as a full-on Easter celebration!! Fifty Days!!! Now that’s a party! This would last until Pentecost Sunday which celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit, (another celebration - taking place on May 23 this year). Easter Sunday is the apex of the year. How have we managed to take the greatest event on the Christian calendar and force it into one solitary morning!
How can we encourage Pastors (and you) to keep the Easter celebration going? By daily remembering that we serve the Risen Lord Jesus Christ! In the words of Douglas McKelvey, we serve the God of the Resurrection who daily: Resurrects peace from the discords of yesterday. Resurrects hope from the discouragement of yesterday. Resurrects strength from the weariness of yesterday. Resurrects faith from the doubts of yesterday. Resurrects love from the wounds of yesterday. Resurrects life from the deaths of yesterday.
Part of our work at PastorServe is encouraging pastors to slow down and take time to celebrate. Eastertide is a great season to encourage pastors to sabbath, rest, recreate (a great word) and remember to celebrate.
I encourage you – take time to celebrate Easter today! Celebrate the victory of the Lord Jesus over death!
Thank you for your help in celebrating pastors. We are immensely grateful for your commitment to walk alongside PastorServe as ministry partners. Thank you for being a part of the PastorServe’s vision That No pastor would Walk Alone. We could not do the work the Lord has called us to do apart from you.
He is Risen,

Jimmy Dodd, Founder and CEO