As we know, media can be used for good or for evil. Media can build, encourage and educate. And, unfortunately, we have all witnessed the destructive influence of the media. The news is filled with daily examples of how the power of media is used to find a lost child, bring relief to victims of oppression and warn of an impending storm.
In 2014, PastorServe committed to significantly increasing our media to love, serve and bless pastors and ministry leaders. At various points in the coming months, I will share some ways that PastorServe is using media to significantly impact pastors in the US and around the world. This month, I will begin with a 60,000-foot perspective of the amazing ways media is impacting tens of thousands of pastors. Over the coming months, I’ll zoom in to highlight some specific stories.
Last month, Pastors are People Too, the second book in the PastorServe book series was released by David C Cook Publishers. The book was authored by myself and Larry Magnuson, President of SonScape Retreats, one of our key ministry partners. The book is specifically targeted to everyone attending a local church that wants to know how to more effectively care for his or her pastor. So far, the response to the book has been overwhelmingly positive. I would encourage you to pick up a copy at Amazon, Christian Book or Barnes and Noble.
In conjunction with the release of Pastors are People Too, a PastorServe App will soon be available to help church members learn how to more effectively care for their pastors. We will provide details in the coming months.
Wade Brown, PastorServe’s Rocky Mountain Regional Director recently joined with Outreach Magazine to host a live on-line coaching webinar for pastors. Seven hundred pastors joined the live webinar with thousands listening to the program in the following days. There have been countless comments regarding the helpfulness of the webinar.
Recently, I had the privilege to be a guest on the podcast. To our delight (and surprise), the program was downloaded more than 1,200 in the first twenty-four hours. It has since been downloaded thousands of times and presently ranks as one of the top podcasts of all time.
Jeff Keady, president and host of the 200churches Podcast, a ministry providing encouragement to smaller churches reached out to podcast to comment on the PastorServe podcast. Jeff said,
“I wanted to tell you how awesome your most recent episode was with Jimmy Dodd! Holy Cow! That is going to help SO MANY pastors! I am promoting it on 200churches, and will talk about it for a while. It is one of the best episodes I’ve ever heard that just touches every pastor who listens, in one way or another.”
PastorServe has partnered with Energize Ministries to promote praying for your pastor. Andy Bowersox, Energize President, has driven an RV around the country encouraging people to pray for their ministry leaders. The Pray for Your Pastor Bus Tour has now traveled across the nation impacting thousands.
There is much more ahead. We look forward to sharing plans for future books, a PastorServe Podcast and more. We are grateful that the Lord has opened the ‘media door’ allowing this ministry to exponentially increase our ability to love, serve and bless pastors and ministry leadership.
Thank you for being a part of the media explosion! Through your continued partnership in 2016, we are reaching thousands of leaders. We could not do the work of this ministry apart from partners like you. Thank you!