“For a morning, I felt like a VIP. I felt like someone granted me a backstage pass to do something that most people in our church will never have the opportunity to do. For a morning, I felt incredibly special!” When I hear pastors speak words like that, I realize all the effort was well worth it!
The second annual PastorServe Pastors Appreciation Breakfast took place on February 11, 2016 at the Macedonia Baptist Church located in the urban core of Kansas City. More than three hundred pastors came for a morning of outstanding food, fellowship and inspiration. Dayton Moore, the General Manager of the Kansas City Royals brought an incredible message of encouragement. And, to the delight of the pastors, he also brought the World Series trophy!
“Thanks so much for planning and hosting the event this morning. It was simply awesome! Every part of the morning exceeded my expectations and was such an encouragement. Thanks again PastorServe.” – Troy, Kansas City Pastor
“A week earlier, my family went to the Royals FanFest, specifically to see the World Series trophy. We waited in line for more than two hours for the privilege of quickly walking past the trophy. There wasn’t even an opportunity to take a picture! At the PastorServe event, I not only took numerous pictures with the trophy, I touched the trophy! My family couldn’t believe it when I got home and told them about the breakfast. Thank you!!” – Steve, Kansas City Pastor
When do pastors get a SWAG bag? Remarkably, pastors went home with a gift bag valued at more than $300. David C Cook Publishers provided two excellent books. Crossway provided the Gospel Application ESV Bible. A local KC church provide Dayton Moore’s book (Dayton signed every copy!). Culture House brought a lantern as a reminder of the Underground Railroad and the ongoing need for racial reconciliation. They also brought each pastor two tickets to the Underground dance performance at the Kaufmann Center. The Museum of the Bible (opening Nov 2017 in Washington DC) gave pastors two books, a thumb drive, a hard hat and a journal. It was crazy! Pastors were amazed at the number of quality items they took home.
“First class event today guys! Well done. What a great service for the pastors of Kansas City!!!” – Eric, Kansas City Pastor
“Pastors spend a lot of time down in the trenches. It’s not often that we get pulled up, out of the fog. How cool to be pulled up by something so far out of our normal reach.” – John, Kansas City Pastor
Maybe the best thing about the PastorServe Pastor’s Appreciation Breakfast — it really was just that – a pastor’s appreciation breakfast. It wasn’t a fundraiser. Pastors weren’t asked to sign up to be a part of a program. There really were no strings attached. And that blew pastors away.
The breakfast was a reflection of our heart to serve pastors. PastorServe Pastor’s Appreciation breakfasts are being planned for later this year in Atlanta and Colorado Springs. We look forward to blessing pastors across the nation.
Thank you for your partnership with us in 2016. We could not do the work of this ministry apart from partners like you. The Lord is using PastorServe to bring deep life transformation to pastors, chaplains and ministry leaders across the country.
Grace and Peace in Jesus,