Care for Pastors & Ministry Leaders : Dr. Thad Austin

Care for Pastors & Ministry Leaders - Thad Austin - 24 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

As pastors and ministry leaders, we feel called to support and care for others. Yet oftentimes, we do not accept that same support and care for ourselves. In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Dr. Thad Austin. Thad is a senior director at the Ormond Center at Duke Divinity,…

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Overcoming Overwhelm & Unlocking Resilience in Ministry : Daniel Fusco

Overcoming Overwhelm & Unlocking Resilience in Ministry - Daniel Fusco - 22 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

How can we overcome the overwhelm that so often occurs in ministry, and be healthy and effective in our calling? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Daniel Fusco, author, church planter, and lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington. Together, Daniel and Jason explore the idea…

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How to Reboot the Discipleship Culture in Your Church : Dennis Allen

How to Reboot the Discipleship Culture in Your Church - Dennis Allen - 21 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

Every pastor in every local church would love to become more effective at disciple-making. Yet we do not always recognize those things that are hindering us from doing so. In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Dennis Allen. Dennis is a devoted Christ-follower, having served in local church leadership…

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How the Holy Spirit Empowers Your Life and Ministry : Max Lucado

How the Holy Spirit Empowers Your Life and Ministry - Max Lucado - 18 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

What are some practical ways that the Holy Spirit engages our lives and empowers our ministries, and how can we experience more of that blessing? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by dedicated pastor, best-selling author, and devoted Christ-follower, Max Lucado, as they explore the amazing power, strength, purpose,…

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How to Address Conflict Among Leaders Before it Gets Toxic : Chris Sonksen

How to Address Conflict Among Leaders Before it Gets Toxic - Chris Sonksen - 17 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

As pastors and ministry leaders we all know that, at times, disunity, misalignment, and conflict can ripple beneath the surface of our leadership teams, whether it’s paid staff, church board members, elders, or key volunteers. In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Chris Sonksen, pastor, author, and ministry coach,…

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Leading through Hot-button Issues in Ministry : Jimmy Dodd

Leading through Hot-button Issues in Ministry : Jimmy Dodd

In the world in which we live, there are so many external crises and policies and issues that people get really passionate about. The challenge for us as ministry leaders is, how do we address these issues in a way in which we do not contribute to the divisiveness, nor do we come across as…

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A Simple Solution to the Comparison Trap : Heather Thompson Day

A Simple Solution to the Comparison Trap - Heather Thompson Day - 15 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

It’s easy, in fact, it’s human, for us to compare ourselves and our ministries to the ministries of others around us. And although it’s human, it’s not always healthy. In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by professor and author Heather Thompson Day, as they explore what it looks like…

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