Overcoming Political Tribalism in Our Churches : Patrick Miller

Overcoming Political Tribalism in Our Churches - Patrick Miller - 55 FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

How can we help lead and shepherd our local churches to overcome political tribalism? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Patrick Miller. Patrick is a pastor at The Crossing in Columbia, Missouri. He’s also the co-host of the Truth Over Tribe podcast and the co-author of the award-winning…

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Is There an Emerging Pastor Crisis in America? : Jimmy Dodd

Is There an Emerging Pastor Crisis in America? - Jimmy Dodd - 54 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

Are we slipping into a pastor crisis here in the United States? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Jimmy Dodd, founder, and CEO of Pastor Serve. Pastor Serve comes alongside pastors and ministry leaders through coaching, consulting, crisis care, and soul care. Jimmy is also the author of…

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Overcoming a Toxic Church Culture : Scot McKnight

Overcoming a Toxic Church Culture - Scot McKnight - 53 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

What happens when toxicity seeps into the culture of our local church? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary. Scot has written over 80 books, including a church called Tov, which he co-authored with his daughter, Laura Behringer. Together, Scot…

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Growing Through Disappointments in Life & Ministry : Mindy Caliguire

Growing Through Disappointments in Life & Ministry - Mindy Caliguire - 52 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

How can we address the inevitable disappointments and discouragements in both life and ministry in a way that is healthy for our souls? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Mindy Caliguire. Mindy is the co-founder, along with her husband Jeff, of Soul Care, a spiritual formation ministry that…

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Resisting Reactivity in a Divisive World : Rich Villodas

Resisting Reactivity in a Divisive World - Rich Villodas - 51 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

In our increasingly fractured world that’s just amped up with reactivity. How can we as pastors and ministry leaders create a calming presence in our churches and in our communities? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Rich Villodas lead pastor of New Life Fellowship in Queens, New York.…

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Soul Care Practices for Ministry Leaders : Dan Reiland

Soul Care Practices for Ministry Leaders - Dan Reiland - 50 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

How can we take action to care for our own souls as we are serving others? In this episode, I’m joined by Dan Reiland. Dan serves as the executive director for leadership expansion at 12 Stones Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia, where he also has served for 20 years as the executive pastor. Previously, Dan spent…

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Nurturing Humility in Our Lives : Richard Foster & Brenda Quinn

Nurturing Humility in Our Lives - Richard Foster & Brenda Quinn - 49 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

How much attention have you been giving to the virtue of humility in your life and in your ministry?  In this episode, I’m joined by Richard Foster and Brenda Quinn. Richard Foster is the Founder of Renovare. He is probably best known for the many books he’s written on the topic of spiritual formation, including…

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Learning to Flourish in Ministry & Life : Chip Ingram

Learning to Flourish in Ministry & Life - Chip Ingram - 48 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

As pastors and ministry leaders, what do we do when we find ourselves in a season where we’re out of rhythm or feeling like we’re burning out? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Chip Ingram, CEO and teaching pastor of Living On the Edge. Chip’s teachings are received…

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Hope & Healing for Spiritual Abuse : Chuck DeGroat

Hope & Healing for Spiritual Abuse - Chuck DeGroat - 47 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

In an era of cynicism and cancel culture, how can our local churches provide hope and healing for those who’ve experienced emotional and spiritual abuse? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Chuck DeGroat, a licensed therapist and spiritual director, who serves as professor of Counseling and Christian Spirituality…

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Salt & Light for a Skeptical World : Jonathan Murphy

Salt & Light for a Skeptical World - Jonathan Murphy - 46 - FrontStage BackStage with Jason Daye

How do we live as salt and light in a world that is growing increasingly skeptical toward all things of the Christian faith? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Jonathan Murphy, department chair of pastoral ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary. Jonathan is also a teaching pastor and the…

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