Hello Friends,
I hope you and your family experienced the rich mercies of the Lord in 2019.
At PastorServe we primarily do three things to serve pastors: coaching, consulting and crisis care. By the grace of God, all three areas experienced unprecedented growth in 2019. This year we served 400% more pastors than we served as recently as 2016! We added staff dedicated to serving pastor’s spouses. We led soul care events for pastors across the country. In 2020 we believe the Lord will continue to expand our team to include regional offices in Los Angeles, South Florida and additional regions across the US. We know that we cannot accomplish our mission to Strengthen the Church by Serving Pastors apart from partners like you. In 2020 I would ask you to financially partner with PastorServe in two ways as we care for pastors across America.
First, I would ask you to financially partner with PastorServe through a year-end gift and by making PastorServe a part of your regular monthly giving in 2020. At PastorServe, when a pastor asks for our help, we never say no. When we are asked, we serve. From our beginnings more than twenty years ago, PastorServe committed to be a ministry dedicated to serving the whole church in the whole city. Presently, our team spans seventeen denominations and includes Hispanic, African American, Asian American, Haitian and Anglo pastors. In 2020 our team will continue to faithfully serve pastors from city, suburban and rural churches seeking our help. We will work alongside every church requesting our help – regardless of their ability to pay.
Second, I would ask you to regularly pray for the PastorServe team in 2020. In 2019 we helped pastors and churches navigate some of the deepest waters we have ever encountered. It was a challenging year as we served in more crisis situations than ever before. We are extremely aware that we need the prayerful undergirding of our team as we serve in hard places.
In 2019, 36% of our financial need was from revenue received from several pastors and churches for whom we provided services. The majority of our ministry in 2019 was serving those who requested help and yet were unable to pay. We served a Michigan church in crisis with hundreds of hours of service and received nothing in return. A team of four traveled to Queens, NY to lead an Asian pastors training conference – for no financial remuneration. We hosted a marriage event in Puerto Rico for those impacted by Hurricane Maria. We continue to serve pastors in Houston impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Steve Besner, lead pastor of the Houston Northwest Church, recently gave PastorServe the greatest compliment. He said,
Everyone in the country cared about us in the immediate wake of Hurricane Harvey. But few people were checking in a year later. And no one—absolutely no one—was checking in on me after two years, with the exception of one group—PastorServe. They have encouraged, loved, and provided for us in our darkest times, and I am thankful to God for them.
Please consider making a year-end gift to help us take a step of faith as we prepare for 2020. Please consider becoming a PastorServe monthly partner in 2020. And please commit to be a part of the PastorServe prayer team in 2020. There are tens of thousands of pastors leading churches that need to know that there is a place they can turn for care, coaching, resourcing encouragement, direction and counsel.
If you are willing to partner with us financially, you may give a secure online gift through our web site.
Tim Howey, Lead Pastor of Grace Church in Overland Park KS said:
I urge you to become a financial supporter of PastorServe, as Grace Church has for years. Grace Church believes in the high-stakes role of PastorServe: serving pastors, a group which is vital to the health of churches everywhere. We believe in the strategy of PastorServe: providing pastors with the support they need to minister (a boss, coach, trainer, mentor, counselor, and friend). We believe in the leadership of PastorServe: men and women of the highest integrity with real-world experience and hearts for people. When you support PastorServe financially, you’re supporting pastors. You’re impacting churches. You’re bringing health to the body of Christ. Join Grace Church in giving to PastorServe.
Naturally, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about PastorServe and how we practically serve pastors throughout the USA and Haiti. Please reach out to me.
May you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season as we together celebrate the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Grace, Peace and Strength in Jesus Christ,
Jimmy Dodd, Founder and CEO