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Pastors Need Prayer : Eddie Byun

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If you’re in ministry, and you’re feeling tired, hurried, anxious, and burned out, how can you find refreshment for your soul? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Eddie Byun. Eddie is a professor and the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Talbot School of Theology, and Biola University. And he has written a number of books, including Praying For Your Pastor. Together, Eddie and Jason look at the incredible importance of raising up a team of intercessors to pray for you, your family, and your ministry. Eddie also shares some great insights on how you can overcome ministry fatigue.

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Key Insights & Concepts

  • Pastors and ministry leaders are under more pressure and experiencing greater levels of burnout since the pandemic.
  • Because of the challenging time, there is a greater need to cover pastors and ministry leaders in prayer.
  • Strengthening a pastor through prayer will always benefit the congregation.
  • A ministry leader asking for prayer is an act of humility and vulnerability, not an act of selfishness.
  • Pastors and ministry leaders can and should personally pray and ask God to raise up prayer intercessors.
  • When a congregation is intentional in praying for the church’s ministry leaders they are partnering with the leadership and with God to faithfully live out the Kingdom in their community.
  • Prayers for protection are vital because the enemy’s tactics against the Kingdom include derailing and taking down ministry leaders.
  • Rest is essential for pastors and ministry leaders for God to restore and refresh them.
  • When there is prayer, there is growth in wisdom, insight, and blessings.
  • Prayer is acknowledging that God is the one to meet needs.
  • It is important for pastors to spend adequate time in prayer, to build friendships outside of their ministry team, and to make time to learn and grow without a specific agenda in mind.
  • Faithfulness, not speed or quantity, is the measure of success in the Kingdom of God.

Questions For Reflection

  • What types of pressures or burdens in my leadership role do I feel have increased over the last few years?
  • Have I felt uncomfortable asking for prayer in the past? What do I think has caused me to feel that way?
  • How can I make sure that I am asking God for more prayer intercessors in my life? And if there isn’t one, how can I start a prayer ministry within my congregation?
  • When was the last time I taught on prayer and did I ask for prayer for myself and our church ministry at that time? How can I incorporate this again in the future?
  • How can I better incorporate rest into my routine to allow the Lord to refresh and restore me?
  • When is a time I can remember that I have felt the prayers of others in my life? How did it encourage and strengthen me?
  • Am I spending enough time in prayer so that my burdens and anxieties are released and I feel God’s peace? If not, what practical steps can I take to be better at doing that regularly?
  • Do I have friends in my life that I can just do something fun with? If not, what relationships do I have that I can begin to grow in that way?
  • What growth am I pursuing that is not tied to a specific agenda, but is more for personal development and enjoyment? If there is none, what can I do to learn something new just for my enjoyment?
  • How has speed and/or growth been a big focus of my ministry? Am I focusing more on speed or growth in my ministry than I am on being faithful? How can I shift my focus more to my call to be faithful in the ministry God has given me?

Full-Text Transcript

If you’re in ministry, and you’re feeling tired, hurried, anxious, and burned out, how can you find refreshment for your soul?

Jason Daye
In this episode, I’m joined by Eddie Byun. Eddie is a professor and the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Talbot School of Theology, and Biola University. And he has written a number of books, including Praying For Your Pastor. Together, Eddie and I look at the incredible importance of raising up a team of intercessors to pray for you, your family, and your ministry. Eddie also shares some great insights on how you can overcome ministry fatigue. Are you ready? Let’s go.

Jason Daye
Hello, friends, and welcome to yet another insightful episode of FrontStage BackStage I am your host Jason Daye. Every single week I have the distinct privilege, the honor really, to sit down with a trusted ministry leader and dive into a topic. Have a conversation that is designed to help you and ministry leaders just like you embrace a healthy sustainable rhythm in both life and ministry. We are proud to be a part of the Pastor Serve Network. And we do more than just create this episode every week. Our team creates an entire toolkit that you can access and download at PastorServe.org/network. This toolkit can be used to help you and your ministry team at your local church really grow more deeply and dig more deeply into the topic at hand. Again, that can be found at PastorServe.org/network. There you’ll find key insights, you’ll find reflection questions that you and your ministry team can work through, again, all as a resource free to you. So please avail yourself of that resource. Now we also have such a heart for pastors and ministry leaders at Pastor Serve. And one of our trusted coaches would love to engage in a complimentary coaching session with you. If you’re a pastor or ministry leader, and you’d like to have a conversation with a coach, you can get a complimentary session by visiting PastorServe.org/freesession. Now, whether you’re joining us on YouTube, or your favorite podcast platform, please take a moment to give us a thumbs up and be sure to follow and subscribe to this show. So you do not miss out on any of these exciting conversations. If you are on Youtube, again, give us a thumbs up and drop your name and the name of your church in the comments below. We love to get to know our audience better. And our team will be praying for you and for your ministry. Now, as I told you, we have an exciting conversation coming to you today. And at this time, I would like to welcome to FrontStage BackStage Eddie Byun. Eddie, welcome!

Eddie Byun
Thank you, Jason. Great to be here.

Jason Daye
Yeah. So good to have you, brother. Certainly appreciate you making the time to be with us today. Now, several years ago, you wrote a fantastic book, entitled Praying For Your Pastor. And in this book, Eddie, you shared about the pressure and the burnout that pastors experience and the interesting thing is you wrote that book before we even had this wild global pandemic, right? So many of the issues that have arisen over the last several years are now really increasing the pressures for pastors. Increasing those feelings of inadequacy, those levels of burnout and fatigue that so many pastors are now experiencing. So, Eddie, I’m curious, in light of our current circumstances, you know, where we find ourselves today. Share with us a bit about why pastors really need intercessory prayer.

Eddie Byun
Yeah, you know, as you mentioned, Jason, this was written before the pandemic. And I’d say, you know, even before that, so many stats, were sharing how 80%+ of pastors, their wives, spouses, families were really discouraged, burnt out. And, as you’re well aware, too, that number has only increased quite a bit. During the pandemic, more pastors than ever are contemplating leaving, or even have left. And so I think because of the pressures, the challenges, now more than ever we really need to come before the Lord, saturate ourselves, and cover our ministry leaders in prayer. So that we would find strength in the Lord to do the tasks that he has called us to do. It is a task that is, you know, filled with great warfare. And we want to be filled with His Spirit so that we do this in step, keeping in step with the Spirit as well.

Jason Daye
Yeah, that’s helpful Eddie. And as you look at it, you have the opportunity In your role, you help train pastors and ministry leaders, as they’re studying at seminary. And what are you sensing? Because many… you oversee doctorate of ministry programs, so many of these are pastors who are already in the field, already engaged. And they’re coming in and getting additional education. What are you sensing from pastors right now? Have you seen some things in regard to burnout that have, as you said, increased over the last couple of years?

Eddie Byun
Oh, very much so. You know, there’s a pretty wide spectrum. I mean, there are those I actually know, people who have left the pastoral ministry during the pandemic. And I actually have some friends who are headhunters for churches. And one of my friends, he’s been in this business for decades. And he said he has never been this busy in his life before. Churches constantly looking for new pastors, new staff, and yet it really just skyrocketed during the pandemic. And also, you know, in our Doctor of Ministry program too we have a number of people who just if you endured through COVID, my applause to you for enduring through that. But also a lot of them, they’re just so tired right now. They are weary. And so some of them started this program before the pandemic, and some of them started in the middle of it because they just wanted to have a new page in their life, their ministry. They’re tired, and they realized they need to grow again, they need to learn again. But one of the things that is an unexpected benefit for a lot of our students is the community that they find in our cohort classes. Being able to finally share and vent and cry and weep together with other pastors who have made it through the past few years. And I realized that we really need a stronger level of support for pastors on all levels. Mentally, relationally, and spiritually. And so I think this, you know, this topic of praying for them is such a vital topic that the church and our congregants really need to understand to a greater depth. Because as the pastor gets strengthened, that’s only going to benefit the whole congregation.

Jason Daye
Yeah, that’s so very important. And what’s interesting Eddie, as we know, as pastors and ministry leaders, we are investing in and really supporting other people, right? I mean that’s what we’re doing. That’s ministry. What would you say to the ministry leader who might feel perhaps uncomfortable or even like it might be selfish, right, to ask for others to pray for them?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, you know, that’s interesting. That tension is something that I heard so often after I wrote this book, and even speaking to different congregations. One is that pastors feel so uncomfortable, and just as you said, they feel almost selfish, to constantly ask for prayers. But you know, I realized we have to really change that perspective. Instead of seeing it as selfish, we have to see it as humility before God and the people that we are serving. That we are showing them that we really need the Lord, we need to depend on the Lord. And what that does is it teaches our congregation members, too, that they also need to have a level of vulnerability and humility to acknowledge that yeah, we are needy people, that we don’t have it all together. That we aren’t supermen, or super spiritual women who don’t need the prayers of others. It’s the exact opposite. We really need to model and really manifest a heart of dependence, trusting, and seeking the Lord. And I believe that God is not only honored by it, but He will honor us for that as well.

Jason Daye
Yeah, Eddie, I love that point. Because it is not just the asking for prayer. It’s the declaring, really, that we are dependent. I am dependent as a spiritual leader, as a pastor, just like you are dependent. So it’s that modeling our dependence and our need for that intimacy with God. So I think that’s vitally important. When it comes to, actually, the practical aspects of a pastor and a local church looking and saying Eddie, you know what, I’ve not really nurtured or fostered a strong prayer circle or really have made this a priority in my ministry. Practically speaking, how can a pastor approach that or ministry leader approach that with their local congregation?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, that’s a great question. And I think there are three practical steps that any pastor can take to begin this type of prayer coverage for his or her ministry. Number one is to personally pray and ask God to raise up intercessors. Ask God, God, I need more prayers in my life, you know who they are, would you call people to and burden their hearts to increase their prayers for me, my family, and our leadership? So that’s the first place. And the second thing is to begin teaching on it, you know, from the pulpit, as we preach on prayer, as we show how vital prayer is to the life of the believer in general, but especially for leadership. And so as we teach on it, you know, one of the things that I often told my congregations was that, it actually became part of the subtitle for my book, and that is… your prayer support is my life support. And that became a common mantra that I would share with my congregation so that they understand the partnership dynamic that we have is that your prayer support is vital for my strengthening, for this ministry, for the health and vitality of what we want to accomplish together for the kingdom of God. And so I’m creating this culture where we all together value prayer for each other. So yeah, personally pray for it. Secondly, teach on it. And then third, is to specifically ask people, that as we counsel people, as we pastor over people, we will begin to hear from the conversations that there are certain people who are gifted at intercession. Meaning that they just love the place of prayer. Now, not everybody has that gift, per se. But we are all obviously called to pray. But there are some who clearly have a specific calling and a gifting, a spiritual gifting, to really dwell for long periods of time in the presence of God. And those are the people that, as I begin to realize that these people really have a heart for prayer. Specifically, ask them, not only to pray for you but even, if you don’t have one already, to begin a prayer ministry, an intercessory prayer team, whose ministry is to intercede for the people and the needs of the congregation. To have specific time before and/or after the services, to pray for the people. And so I think those can be very simple, tangible next steps that people can have if they don’t have a prayer ministry right now.

Jason Daye
Yeah, that’s very helpful Eddie. And some of the things in the book, you talk about are very specific, in fact, you dedicate chapters, to very specific ways or things that people can be praying about for their pastor. Have you seen, or perhaps have ideas around, how those kinds of different emphases can be used? Like maybe throughout the church here? Or is there a way to kind of engage people and say Hey, let’s focus on praying for this specific thing? Can you walk through some of those?

Eddie Byun
Sure, yeah. You know, I outlined these chapters, in a way that I felt, you know I’ve been pastoring for over 25 years. And I was reflecting on… because people always will, if they do ask, they’re like, How can I pray for you, pastor? Or what do you need prayer for? And I really wanted to give them concrete areas of intercession that I know directly will impact my life, my family, and our ministry, in the most effective way possible. And so the first place that I started was prayer for protection. You know, it’s clear in Scripture that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That he’s referred to as a roaring lion, looking for people to devour. And so, we need to understand that as we are in this, “already not yet” of the Kingdom of God, that in this “not yet” period, where the Kingdom is not fully realized, there is an enemy who is seeking to stop all the efforts of the spreading of the gospel that we are trying to accomplish. And the way that the enemy tactically will try to be most efficient in his warfare is going to be to really attack the leadership and to knock them out. And we’ve seen this over the years with so many well-known ministry leaders falling for various reasons. And so praying for protection is number one in terms of where I asked people to pray for. And the second one that I ask for is rest. You know, to not only pray for good rest for pastors in terms of their weekly sabbatical. Whether it might be, you know, Saturday or Monday or whatever your church schedule might be. But to really pray for seasons of rest, whether it be a several month sabbatical or a week, several vacation weeks during the year. That those periods of rest, especially post-COVID, are so important so that we can have the prayers of the people join with the heart of God in being a place of restoration within the heart and life of the pastor. So that we too will experience the Good Shepherd of Jesus in Psalm 23, where he makes us lie down in green pastures, and he restores our souls. So those types of needs are going to be important to teach our congregation that yeah, these moments, my day off, these breaks, vacation times, before I preach, before we head to our church retreat, there are key moments where they need to learn, okay, these are some specific topics that we really need to concentrate our efforts in. Because these are the needs of our pastor and our shepherd right now. And another thing that I also offer, at the end of the book is a lot of how to do a prayer campaign through this book, so that we could teach our churches, whether it’s through small groups, I found that to be the most effective as they pray through and read through these chapters together. Chapter by chapter, I give not only specific prayer topics but also practical ways that they can begin encouraging the life of the leadership of the church through different facets of praying. And so I’ve had wonderful testimonies of whole church communities transforming as they began understanding that this is our responsibility as a church, not just the pastor’s responsibility to pray. We need to be faithful and interceding for the life of the church too. And so I wanted to do that as a gift to my fellow pastors as well.

Jason Daye
Yeah, that’s such a good resource in the book, and I really would encourage those of you who are watching along or listening along that it’s a very helpful way to implement this. And as you said, it raises kind of the temperature of prayer across the entire ministry of your local church. And, you know, this is a great way to move into that. And I do think, Eddie, as you said, I think people are recognizing that pastors are under more pressure. I think our congregants realize, I mean, we hear this, that pastors are enduring more pressure. So the timeliness of this, like this, I think Eddie, is a good time to begin to introduce this. And like you said, you can take your church through this, because I think there’s maybe some more receptivity to this idea, at least right, Eddie?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, totally. I agree with you. And I think for most of us, we have seen, unfortunately, how divisive the pandemic has also impacted churches. Whether it’s through politics, or mandates, in person versus online, all these things, have unfortunately created a lot of strain within even the unity of a lot of churches. And I think this is the time more than ever, to really pray for healing. That we learn as a church to keep the main thing, the main thing. That, yeah, different people may have political views, and that’s fine. But we serve a higher authority, and that is Jesus Christ. And we need to learn to come together under the umbrella of the name of Jesus and under His Kingdom and let’s begin praying for each other and pray for healing and unity, as Jesus has taught us to pray for the body of Christ.

Jason Daye
Yeah, I love that. Eddie, can you share with us a little bit from your own personal experiences as a pastor? What did you see in your life, in your ministry, in your family, in your church, whenever you recognized the importance of inviting your people into intercessory prayer on behalf of you as a pastor?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, you know, I have been so personally blessed by having so many amazing intercessors in my life and ministry. In each ministry that I’ve been a part of, we either have a strong prayer team or I established one. And man, you don’t know how encouraging it has been to know that whenever I am preaching or ministering, leading, or even guest speaking in places, there is a team of people committed to daily interceding for me. It really gives me renewed strength and energy. But also one of the things that I’ve really noticed is that when there are increased prayers for me, it really gives me more clarity and even inspiration, like ideas and creativity. I really have noticed, there seems to be a lot more fruitfulness and effectiveness in my efforts than when I just tried to “do it on my own”. And that’s why I’m a firm believer that there’s only gain when we pray, and when we increase the prayers in our churches. That is, I really believe the wisdom of prayer, that there’s a reason why all throughout Scripture, we are called to pray without ceasing. That even sandwiched with the armor of God, that there are repetitions to pray, you know, to pray, to keep praying. And that prayer coverage really is from the heart of God, the wisdom of God, into our lives to know that what God releases in us and through us, is only gain from the throne of God into our ministry. Because that prayer is connecting us to God. He is the source of all good things, He is the source of wisdom, He is the source of our strength. And that allows us to channel the Spirit, His blessing, His insight, and His favor upon us. And so I really believe that if you believe in the value and power of prayer, then it’s only logical, and it’s only wisdom, that we try to raise up as many prayers as we can for ourselves and for our ministries. Because as I said, there’s only gain when we pray. And so why not?

Jason Daye
Yeah, that’s good. Eddie, why do you think the idea of raising up intercessory prayer for our lives and for our ministries… why do you think it is not, because it almost felt like, as you’re talking, it almost sounds like a no-brainer, right?  That you’ve got nothing to lose doing this. Why do you think pastors are hesitant? Or are not just hesitant, but maybe just don’t even think about engaging in this type of ministry for this prayer?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, that’s a great question. And you know, as I’ve been able to talk to a lot of pastors after I teach or preach on this topic at their ministries, one of the things that I found is, number one, unfortunately, a lot of them, they just don’t even think about it, unfortunately. And so that’s why at least this podcast and these types of situations will help raise awareness. Because you’re right, it is a no-brainer if we really think about it. But the other thing that I really think, why it’s not as prevalent, is I think the enemy has done a really good job of making us as pastors and spiritual leaders self-conscious, and even believing the lies that you know what, I don’t want to burden people, I don’t want to appear selfish. And really, I really believe those are all lies from the enemy. It is not selfish. In fact, it is more selfish to keep people from praying for you and the ministry, because you’re neglecting greater prayers from really being released over the people and you’re allowing them not to partake and share in the blessings of being an intercessor for that ministry as well. And so I think there’s a lot of, not only education but also a lot of just reorienting the truth that this is really a foundation of how we need to do ministry. And that really flows from a heart of dependence and trust upon God, because that really is what prayer is. We’re just acknowledging our needs before God and saying, God, we need you. I need you to show up. I need you to meet my needs. And so that is really a flip side of what we really think, instead of being selfish and prideful, it’s on the flip side when we don’t pray that’s arrogant and prideful when we don’t pray instead.

Jason Daye
Yeah, that’s great. Now, Eddie, as we look at this idea of prayer, we see that prayer is very important for serving in a healthy way, being a healthy pastor, healthy ministry leader. And we’ve talked a bit about the burnout that we see, the fatigue that we’ve seen. What are some other ways, Eddie, that as you’re working with pastors, what are some other areas, some other ways, that pastors can really focus upon to help them be more resilient, to help them be healthy as pastors and ministry leaders?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, another great question. You know, I think there are a few things that come to my mind right away. Number one, actually for this one, I will stay on the topic of prayer. One of the things that I realized is, and talking to people over the years, sometimes pastors become, in their words, almost too busy to pray. And I think that is to the detriment of their resilience and vitality. One of the things that I’ve learned over the years that has become literally life and breath to me, is learning to stay in the unhurried place of prayer. That we carry every day, especially as pastors, so much anxiety, so many burdens of so many people. And when we enter in prayer, a lot of times, we just want to hurry up and get this over with. It’s a move on to our agenda, and the meetings that we have to do. But what I realized is that until we learn to stay in prayer until all of our anxieties are fully released to God, and then as He promises, His peace will transcend our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Until that exchange happens, I believe, we need to learn to keep sitting in the place of prayer. That it’s okay, if you’re burdened by like, 50,000 things, that’s fine. But give, bring every burden before the Lord. Like instead of just carrying that, and, you know, increasing your stress over those things, I’ve learned to give that to God in prayer. So that something positive actually can happen, and beginning with receiving His peace, you know? And so for me, every day, I just pause. That’s the first thing that I do is I pause in his presence. And the whole thing of be still and know that I am… that He is God. And so I just pause. And then when I feel the weight of so many things I have to do, then for me, I know, I just start giving that to God. God, you know, this meeting or this relationship that is strenuous with this church member or this elder, I give that to you. And then this next thing that I’m burdened of, I give that to you. And so even those two simple things of pause in His presence, and then bring your burdens and bathe them in prayer. That I found to be so helpful for me for the rest of my day. So that’s one thing. I think the second thing that I found is so vital that, unfortunately, not a lot of pastors have, is just a friend to do something fun with. You know, whether it’s on your day off or whatever, just have lunch or coffee, or whatever your sport is, whether it’s basketball, golf or whatever. Because pastors, as you know as well, are some of the loneliest people in the world. And so, reconnect with an old friend from before you became a pastor even, or someone who is outside of your church ministry context who you can maybe vent about your church to. You know, have coffee or be on the golf course, or go to the batting cage, or go to a baseball game, or whatever you really just like doing. Don’t feel guilty about relaxing, and enjoying a day or an afternoon with a friend, and begin building a friendship up again. That, I feel, is such a simple thing that, unfortunately, goes so unnoticed by a lot of pastors in our generation. I think that’s the second thing. And the third thing, too, is to learn, and to read, and to grow, whether it’s through a course, an online course of higher and further education, or whatever, without the burden or the pressure of using it to prepare for something. You know, a lot of times again, I totally have been there too. Like, every opportunity to read or learn, we just have to do because there’s a message coming up, or there’s a seminar that’s coming up, or there’s a conference coming up. And we, all of a sudden, turn all learning into work, and all reading into work. And so if that’s the case, then read fiction. Read something where that will specifically not be directly correlated to what you have to do for preparation in ministry and begin just being a learner again. Learn something new. You know, learn a new science, learn something that will just be enjoyable for you. Because all truth is God’s truth. And so I think we can find wonder, we could find joy in being that child again, who recaptures the wonder of learning something new in terms of the world that God has blessed us to live in, in this season. So I think those are a few things that I would encourage pastors to try.

Jason Daye
Yeah, I absolutely love that, Eddie. Those are some great things and just as you’re talking and thinking through those, like those are life-giving things. Those are things that help us to recognize that it’s not just on the hamster wheel, and it’s not just go go go, burn, burn, burn, it’s things that slow us down. I mean, all those things you’re talking about, they slow us down. Whether it’s our time in prayer, just really pausing as you said, or our time with a trusted friend, and just slowing down or, as you said, learning or reading or growing in some way. That’s feeding us and refreshing us. But it’s again, slowing down and stepping into the beauty and the wonder of what God has created and what God offers us. I think those are beautiful things, Eddie. Eddie, this has been a phenomenal conversation. So appreciate your time, again. I want to give you an opportunity for a couple of things, one, just to share some final words of encouragement. You’ve got the ears and eyes of pastors and ministry leaders, our colleagues. What words of encouragement would you have for them today?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, in light of all that we’ve talked about with COVID, the pressures, the demands, hardship, and even your final word just now have been things that I’ve been talking to a lot of younger pastors that I mentor. In different parts of the world, actually, I usually have relationships with younger pastors that I’ve known over the years, and we try to Skype or Zoom, once a month. And one common thread that I’ve been feeling the need to share, especially recently, is that it’s okay to be slow. In ministry speed, too. And it’s okay to be small. That it’s not a bad thing, you know, that fast is not the speed of success in the Kingdom of God. And large is not the measure of success, either in the Kingdom of God. It is faithfulness, and it is walking with the Lord. And in my walk with Jesus, I’ve noticed that he walks at a slow pace, and that’s okay. You know, and I really want to encourage pastors with that. That, you know, if you only have the energy to focus on one part of your ministry, that’s okay. That speed of slow is okay. You don’t feel guilty about that. And if you lost members during COVID or your size is not as big as you were projecting over these years. That’s okay, too. Just walk with the Lord and help others walk with the Lord as well. And so yeah, for some reason, that’s really been a thread that I’ve been feeling the need to share these recent weeks. And I just feel led to share that with your audience as well. That it’s okay to go slow in the Kingdom of God. It’s okay to be small in the Kingdom of God.

Jason Daye
Yeah, I love that, Eddie. That’s incredibly encouraging. And then Eddie, if people want to connect, obviously connect with the book, we’ll have some links that they can find. But what are some ways that they can connect with you, with your ministry? You know, what you’re doing at the seminary, those types of things?

Eddie Byun
Yeah, sure. Thank you for this opportunity. So I do have a personal website at EddieByun.com. E-D-D-I-E, B-Y-U-N.com. You can find my contact details there, my sermons, and various other resources. But also, currently, after 25 years of pastoring, mainly throughout different countries, I’m primarily right now the director of the Doctor of Ministry and a professor on teaching at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California. And so we have wonderful programs that specifically help pastors be refreshed. You know, whether it’s our tracks for spiritual formation or even church leadership. There are so many avenues that if you want to be refreshed a couple of weeks per year, and grow and cry and lean upon some other pastors, I would love to have you a part of these programs. It has been like a retreat for people. That’s the testimony that we hear. And I’m so thankful that I could, in this season of my life, be an encouragement for pastors, because I know the challenges that they are in, and I want to do whatever I can to help them as well.

Jason Daye
Yeah, I love that Edie and I love what you’re doing there at Talbot and the opportunity that you have to speak into pastors’ lives and just be a source of encouragement in a place where they can connect with one another. Like we said, that connectivity with peers and just being able to share life together. For those of you who are watching or listening along, I will have links not only to Eddie’s book, Praying For Your Pastor, but have links to his website, as he mentioned, and even to Talbot, and some of the things they’re doing in the D of M program there. So you can find that all at PastorServe.org/network in our toolkit for this episode. So be sure to check that out. We try to make it easy for our audience to find all of those resources. And we thank you for those resources, Eddie, and again, what you’re doing in the Kingdom. Thank you again, brother, for making the time to be with us here on FrontStage BackStage. Thank you for the work that you’re doing in the Kingdom, the encouragement, and the words that you’ve shared, a powerful, encouraging refreshing for me, and I know for those who are watching and listening along. So thank you, Eddie, for making the time.

Eddie Byun
Oh, thanks for having me. I enjoyed my time here, Jason.

Jason Daye
All right, brother, God bless you.

Jason Daye
Now, before you go, I want to remind you of an incredible free resource that our team puts together every single week to help you and your team dig more deeply and maximize the conversation that we just had. This is the weekly toolkit that we provide. And we understand that it’s one thing to listen or watch an episode, but it’s something entirely different to actually take what you’ve heard, what you’ve watched, what you’ve seen, and apply it to your life and to your ministry. You see, FrontStage BackStage is more than just a podcast or YouTube show about ministry leadership, we are a complete resource to help train you and your entire ministry team as you seek to grow and develop in life in ministry. Every single week, we provide a weekly toolkit which has all types of tools in it to help you do just that. Now you can find this at PastorServe.org/network. That’s PastorServe.org/network. And there you will find all of our shows, all of our episodes and all of our weekly toolkits. Now inside the toolkit are several tools including video links and audio links for you to share with your team. There are resource links to different resources and tools that were mentioned in the conversation, and several other tools, but the greatest thing is the ministry leaders growth guide. Our team pulls key insights and concepts from every conversation with our amazing guests. And then we also create engaging questions for you and your team to consider and process, providing space for you to reflect on how that episode’s topic relates to your unique context, at your local church, in your ministry and in your life. Now you can use these questions in your regular staff meetings to guide your conversation as you invest in the growth of your ministry leaders. You can find the weekly toolkit at PastorServe.org/network We encourage you to check out that free resource. Until next time, I’m Jason Daye encouraging you to love well, live well, and lead well. God bless.

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