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Survive or Thrive by Jimmy Dodd

PastorServe Book Series


Approximately sixteen months ago, David C Cook approached PastorServe about leading a project to produce a new series of books for pastors.

Survive or Thrive, 6 Relationships Every Pastor Needs, is the first book in The PastorServe Book Series published by David C. Cook. Author and PastorServe founder Jimmy Dodd says, “The book is intended to be an easy read, written in a conversational style with a good mixture of truth, humor and a healthy dose of personal honesty.  I share a number of stories that I believe will connect with pastors. I’m humbled that respected leaders have been incredibly encouraging in their endorsements of the book.”

Here’s a sampling of what others are saying,

There’s a special calling on the heart of anyone serving as a pastor, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t human. You need supportive relationships as much as anyone else.  The insights that Jimmy Dodd shares in this book will help you as a pastor identify those areas that need to be shored up in your own life, and give practical guidance for reaching out to others. 

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family

Okay, let’s be clear about Jimmy Dodd’s book. It’s a mess! It raises as many questions as it answers. It will make readers shake their heads in disagreement and shed tears of frustration. It details failure as graphically as any victory. It manages to crush every easy answer to pastoral effectiveness and – that’s the point! We learn that the gospel that heals the broken and messed up lives that pastors are called to help, might just help pastors, too. Jimmy points us to relationships that will help funnel the grace pastors need – if their humility will allow it.

Bryan Chapell
Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria Illinois

Jimmy’s devotion to biblical principle and candor make for an exhilarating and life-saving read.

Kent Hughes

Absolutely a worthwhile read!” 

Dr. Joe White

Spiritual leaders, whether pastor, non-profit leader or Board chair, will benefit from these timeless truths.

Dr. Doug Nuenke

We believe that a partnership with PastorServe is strong evidence of good stewardship and strong leadership. We strongly encourage our clients to partner with this great ministry. 

Jim Lehman

Jimmy Dodd knows “Pastor-speak.” Better, he has experienced and knows the full suite of “Pastor-think,” “Pastor-feel,” and best of all “Pastor-thrive.” 

Steve Haas 

PastorServe has given him unprecedented access to the most sacred spaces in the lives of ministers in their darkest moments. Learn from the best and begin moving from daily survival to growth.

Mark Matlock

What incredible insights! This book will hit the target of every pastor’s heart – and will certainly be the instrument God will use to rescue many a pastor who is convinced there is no hope.

Randy Pope

Invest in your ministry and your personal life by reading this book. 

Jim Burns 

I’ve known Jimmy Dodd for 34 years. He has consistently loved Jesus and the church all of those years.

Jerry Root, Ph.D.

This book will help you see the 6 key relationships every pastor MUST have in his life.! It’s a must read! 

Patrick O’Connell

Jimmy Dodd hits the bulls eye with this book.

Floyd McClung

Survive or Thrive is a must read for any pastor, church board member or leader who would like to see their organization flourish… I highly recommend this book to any Christ following leader.

Dale Pyne

This book is a treasure trove of wise and practical advice for protecting and nurturing the heart of any leader…Trust me, whether you realize it or not (and especially if you don’t), you need to hear this message.  

Dr. Wess Stafford

When David C Cook approached PastorServe about leading a project to produce a new series of books for pastors. Naturally, we were honored and humbled.

Furthermore, David C Cook agreed to produce a number of books that focus on both the front stage pastoral ministry (for example – preaching, evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, conflict) and the back stage (secrets, loneliness, self care, loss and wounds, marriage and family, dealing with unrealistic expectations).  As senior editor of the series, Jimmy is working with other pastors who will write for the series.

Join us in praying the Lord will use this book, and the entire series, to help pastor’s front stage and back stage come into alignment with the Gospel of Jesus.  You can read more about the series by going to the David C. Cook website.  You can pre-order your copy of Survive or Thrive today at Amazon.com.

This first book in the series deals with the isolation of pastors and the six relationships every pastor needs – boss, trainer, coach, counselor, mentor and friend. This book is centered on material Jimmy has taught almost weekly for the past fifteen years,

“ I know that pastors need this message as I live this out with pastors around the country every week. It’s worth noting that PastorServe receives 100% of the revenue from the entire series. In other words, I am not making one dime from any book in the series. Every book purchased will allow the PastorServe team to care for additional pastors. “

We need to expand our capacity before the PastorServe Book Series hits the shelves. The book series will put our name before tens of thousands of pastors. Please consider a special gift to allow us to increase our capacity.

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