Hello friends,
What a year! At PastorServe, 2019 will be remembered as a year of unprecedented growth, ministry and opportunity. At PastorServe, we were recently reminded that unprecedented challenges lie ahead which demand prayer, partnership and a renewed commitment to extend the reach of this ministry. But, it is valuable to thank the Lord for all the good that was accomplished in 2019.
Honestly, to give the high points from 2019 would be overwhelming – so let me touch only on the last three months of 2019. Here are some October thru December highlights.
- PastorServe directly cared for 5,417 pastors. Some care was a brief phone call while other touches may have been via email. Some care lasted minutes while other acts of care were an entire day.
- We coached 507 different pastors. Coaching is one of the three ways (along with consulting and crisis care) PastorServe directly impacts pastors.
- PastorServe led more than twenty peacemaker conflict mediations.
- We led six staff retreats and thirty-four church staff training events.
- Ministered to Bahama pastoral couples following Hurricane Dorian. Additional ministry is anticipated.
- We led our first Asian focused conference for South Korean pastors in Queens NY.
- Our team preached on 39 occasions in local churches.
- We were involved in 32 pastoral restoration / care plans.
- We hosted an end of the year Haiti refreshment conference led by PastorServe staff member Kesnel Joseph. Budget included paying for travel costs for all pastoral couples attending conference. Pastors in Haiti have been deeply discouraged due to the unrest that has gripped the nation the past twenty-four months. To offer encouragement to more than eighty leaders was life giving!
And much much more!! And that is the last three months of 2019!
At PastorServe, we are committed to What We Do. Our mission is to strengthen the Church by serving pastors. We believe that a pastor’s backstage is more important than the frontstage. At PastorServe, we are committed to Who We Serve. We serve pastors, the majority of whom feel like there is no place to go to process the daily challenges they face. We are committed to How We Serve. At PastorServe, we serve through Coaching, Consulting and Crisis Care. Consulting includes staff assessments, retreats and conferences. We do soul care for pastors, counsel pastors and connect pastors to resources. The PastorServe team is strategically positioned to encourage, empower and reinvigorate pastors for ministry. We want to bring the beauty and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to pastors. At PastorServe, we are committed to Why We Serve. Our vision is that one day, no pastor would walk alone.
Thank you for your partnership with PastorServe in 2019. We have ministered to thousands of pastors across the USA and Haiti because of the generosity of friends like you.
Please help us start 2020 on a strong financial footing. In 2020, we need additional partners like you to join with us to seize the incredible opportunities before us. Please consider sharing this ministry with a close friend.
Thank you for being a part of the PastorServe’s vision That No pastor would Walk Alone and our mission to Strengthen the Church by Serving Pastors. We know these are long-term goals that can only be accomplished with friends like you. Thank you!!
Grace and Peace in Jesus,
Jimmy Dodd, Founder and CEO