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Encourage Your Pastor’s Preaching Ministry


I’m Wesley Horne. And thank you for taking a minute to consider how you can encourage your pastor.

I’m gonna let you in on a secret. Every pastor has days, sometimes even seasons, where they experience discouragement, maybe even to the point of
wondering if they heard God right about their call to ministry.

During one of those seasons in my life, a woman in my congregation took a moment to write a note to tell me about a sermon I had preached a few weeks before. It was from John 9 and the words of the man who said to Jesus, “Lord, I believe. But help my unbelief.”

She said, when you explain that healthy doubt, as long as you’re willing to continue to draw near to Christ and to wrestle, healthy doubt can be an important component of a healthy Christian life. And she said it transformed her intimacy in her walk with God.

Well, I want you to know that note was pretty transformational for me in that rough season as well.

So, here’s what I want you to do.

I want you to sit down and write a note. And be specific about some time or times where your pastor’s ministry of the Word has been impactful in your life.

And then take another minute and write a note or a copy of that note to your church board to let them know as well.

Thank you for taking a minute to consider how you can encourage your pastor.

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