Gift Someone with “Pastors Are People Too”
Hi. This is Arthur Jackson with a one-minute encouragement for you to help others that you may know be an encouragement to their pastors by purchasing a copy of a great book, Pastors are People Too.
The book includes the story about Bob, who invited his pastor to a Boston Celtics playoff game against their archrival, the New York Knicks. The pastor was beside himself. And Bob had a wonderful opportunity to kick it with one of his spiritual leaders.
Did you know that pastors need people in their lives like Bob?
Sometimes, people have the idea that pastors are superheroes, that they don’t have the feelings or the needs or sometimes the sensitivities that other people have. Nothing could be further from the truth.
This book, Pastors are People Too, again, helps to dispel those kinds of notions and helps to put pastors exactly where they are, not on a pedestal but people with feelings and needs just like the rest of us.
Do you know anybody that might be able to benefit by getting a copy of Pastors are People Too? Our website includes information as to how you might be able to order a copy or two for your friends. While you’re doing that, why don’t you get a copy for yourself too?