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Outsourcing Pastoral Care - PastorServe

Outsourcing Pastoral Care: The List Continues to Grow


For the past several years, we’ve noticed more openness on behalf of churches and denomination leadership to outsource the care and coaching of their pastors.

Why such openness? Because they realize that just because pastors aren’t seeking help internally, doesn’t mean they don’t have challenges, problems or issues that need to be addressed.

The reasons are varied as to why pastors don’t seek help within their denominational structure; however, we’re told it’s often because of fear: “If I share what’s really happening, I fear I’ll be terminated.”

When pastors engage with us, they learn very quickly that we’re a safe place. Plus, we don’t have the authority to hire or fire anyone. We simply help pastors in redemptive and preemptive ways to either regain or maintain personal and vocational health through crisis care, counseling and coaching.

Our Rocky Mountain Regional Director, Wade Brown, pioneered our work with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) beginning with their Military Chaplains.  When the EPC approved us as a preferred resource for their pastors and invited us to their 2015 General Assembly in Orlando in June, we were honored, but we weren’t surprised. In addition to exhibiting at the Assembly, we also led two workshops: The Six Roles Every Pastor Needs and The Power of Coaching. Further, we served over 30 of those in a one-on-one manner by providing encouragement and pastoral counseling. Eighty percent of those counseling sessions were of a crisis nature. Again, this was no surprise.

So, if you’re a key leader in your church, denomination or organization, how are your people really doing? Again, just because they’re not coming to you doesn’t mean they’re doing well.

Help us help you and your pastors. In addition to being endorsed by the EPC to serve their pastors, we’re also a preferred resource for the Wesleyans, Stadia and the Coaching and Care arm of the Church Planters Ministry for the Presbyterian Church of America.

In the days ahead, we believe this list will continue to grow.

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