The chief means given to the church by the Lord to usher in the Kingdom of God is Prayer! If this is true (and I believe it is), then why is prayer often our final alternative? Why is it so often – “well, we’ve tried everything. All we can do now is pray.”
All we can do?? A.J. Gordon, the great 19th Century pastor and author once wrote, “You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed”.
At PastorServe, one of our primary areas of emphasis is to encourage people to pray for their pastor. And, we are thrilled that a tool, in development for the past two years, is now available!! PastorServe has entered into a partnership with Textcaster to provide a daily or weekly text to encourage people to take a few moments to pray for their pastor.
By texting the word ‘pastor’ to 74574, you can sign up to receive a short text (each day or each week) encouraging you to regularly prayer for your pastor. If you aren’t a part of this program, grab your smart phone right now – and sign up!!
Pray today for humility for your pastor. Pray for a graceful approach in serving others. Proverbs 3:34
This is a typical ‘pray for your pastor’ text. You receive a short text providing direction for your prayer, followed by a verse of scripture supporting that prayer plus a supporting link, which will use the amazing technology of your smart phone to take you to that verse.
I am a big fan of Paul Miller and his work in the area of prayer. In his book, The Praying Life, Paul writes:
“Prayer isn’t a discipline but learned desperation. It’s not so much a mountain to climb as a valley to fall into…. I honestly don’t know how to love someone if I’m not praying for them. How did I learn that? By trying to love people when I wasn’t praying for them. I’m just a participant in the bigger picture of what God is doing. People so overthink prayer. It really is simple: Go to God with your needs. The Psalms are a wonderful teacher with that.”
At PastorServe, we believe that God listens to the prayers of his people and He triumphs through the prayers of his people. Please take time to pass this program along to your church, your friends, your network. Ask your church to place this in your bulletin. Facebook this, Tweet this and ask others to pass this along. Our goal is 100,000 people committed to regular prayer for their pastors. We can’t do this alone. We need you to help us spread the word.
Romans 8:26-27 tells us: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”
What a comfort to know that the Lord helps us in our weakness. And the Lord helps us to pray. At PastorServe, our passion is to bathe our pastors in prayer. We believe that the Lord will graciously to the prayers of God’s people as we lift our pastors before the throne of his mercy and grace.
Thank you for caring for pastors. Thank you for praying for pastors. PastorServe couldn’t move forward to extend care to pastors without your faithful prayer support and generous financial support. Please join us in praying for pastors – your pastor – that they would joyfully follow the leading of the Holy Spirit living a life of obedience to our gracious Redeemer.
Today’s text: “Pray today for a teachable spirit for your pastor. Ask for a deep desire to learn from God. Exodus 33:13”
Your Partner in Gospel Ministry,
Jimmy Dodd