PastorServe staff has been in Houston during the month of October 2017. Below are some reflections from those trips.
Jimmy Dodd
Deeper than drywall and carpet. The devastation reaches into families, marriages, families and church staffs. It’s only been seven weeks and the cracks are showing.
I am amazed at how quickly PastorServe has become a respected, beloved, sought out ministry. Near the end of this trip, a city leader asked if he could connect us to other leaders of networks in the city – and we declined. We feel stretched about as wide as we can do. Now – going deep begins.
So many in Houston lost everything! EVERY earthly possession – and they are okay. Sometimes I can’t imagine losing everything – but I know I would be okay.
Arthur Jackson
I have been to Houston three times in the last six weeks. Going to Houston now in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is less shocking but still sobering. Debris from the storm remains at curbsides but people are not as visible with the goods that remain there. The first visit was one where people were removing things out of home. Things are at the point now where people have gone back in order to do repairs but people have not yet moved in (I would guess in a number of cases).
Pastor Blake Wilson leads Crossover Bible Fellowship. Space in his church served as a temporary shelter for 75-100 victims of Hurricane Harvey. They also provided four weeks of breakfasts and dinners. They arranged things where people sheltered had access to Skype. While their congregation really stepped up to serve those in need Pastor Blake showed some signs of being exhausted. He had given his executive pastor, who had really been engaged in the effort, two weeks off. PastorServe provided Pastor Blake and his family funds so they themselves would be able to get away for a time of rest.
Lots of work will be needed to encourage pastors in the midst of the hurricane’s aftermath.
Instruments of Rescue – Wade Brown »