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The 22 Most Common Mistakes Made by
Church Leadership Teams During a Time of Senior Pastoral Transition
1. Neglecting Prayer as a Priority
Hit the Pause button. Take a deep breath, fall on your knees and humbly seek the face of God.
2. Failure to take a Holistic Approach - Piecing a Transition
Plan together
A Church in transition must have a unified cohesive plan.
3. Failure to Engage with Church Health Best Practices
A Church must address complacency, apathy and ignorance in regards in missing essential elements of the Church. Address that which has been neglected.
Plus 19 more mistakes!
Coaching Focus Sheet
We encourage our coaching clients to use this as it helps to bring clarity and direction in an effort to get the most out of the conversation.
1. How can I be praying for you in preparation for our next conversation?
2. What wins are you currently celebrating in your life, your family life and ministry?
3. What progress have you made on action items from previous conversations?
Plus 4 more...