5 Reasons Leadership Coaching Trumps Leadership Conferences

One on One Coaching - PastorServe

In his book, The Next Generation Leader, Andy Stanley has these words to offer about coaching: “You will never maximize your potential in any area without coaching. It is impossible. You may be good. You may even be better than everyone else. But without outside input you will never be as good as you could be…” Hmmm….…

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Vocational Ministry – A Great Place for the Lazy Few to Hide

Lazy Person at Work - PastorServe

Perhaps you’d disagree. Or if you do agree, maybe you’d use the word unintentional or unfocused instead of lazy. Regardless, I don’t think most of us in ministry set out to be lazy, unintentional or unfocused; rather, I think we’re lulled into it if we’re not careful.  Ministry is unique work, especially if it’s your…

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The Huge Expectation You Place On Your Pastor Every Week

Pastor Expectations - PastorServe

This better be good! Who of us hasn’t thought that just moments before the pastor gets up to speak? As one who got to preach numerous times before I actually became a pastor, it didn’t take long for me to realize that those in the pews have expectations. You have expectations. You expect your pastor…

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Haiti Contrasts

Haiti Contrasts-PastorServe

The Gospel is full of contrasts – it is the weak who are strong, the poor who become rich, servants are great, those who lose their lives find them. So is Haiti. Most run from – Some run to Haiti reminded me of those vivid scenes from 911. Most run from disaster. A noble and…

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Encourage a Pastor – Don’t Miss the Opportunity

Encourage a Pastor - Don't Miss an Opportunity - PastorServe

I could have been there.  I should have been there.  But…I wasn’t there.  It’s the pain and regret of missed opportunities. Have you ever missed an opportunity?  Have you every looked back on a meeting you should have joined, a family gathering you should have made a priority or a pastor you should have encouraged…

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Easy Ordination

Come on!  How hard can it be to serve as a pastor?  I’ve run a successful business.  If I can do that – I can most definitely serve as a pastor! I admit it.  This angers me.  I am troubled when someone disparages the role of the pastor.  I am angered when someone speaks about…

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Two Deaths…

One week in December 2013.  Two pastors.  Two stories.  Two deaths. These two stories moved my heart unlike any other stories in 2013.  Both involved pastors and tragedy, but unlike many other pastoral crisis stories, both stories involved the death of a pastor. Pastoring is indeed a dangerous calling. Today I am reminded that in…

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Stuck at a Crossroads?

Stuck at a Crossroads? - PastorServe

It all started with thoughts of Haiti and an upcoming pastors conference in the spring. I read, looked at photos, and spoke with those who have already been. I was overwhelmed. Words come easily to me, but what could I possibly say to fill that bottomless pit of need? Some of us come from traditions…

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Pray For Your Pastor

The chief means given to the church by the Lord to usher in the Kingdom of God is Prayer!  If this is true (and I believe it is), then why is prayer often our final alternative?  Why is it so often – “well, we’ve tried everything.  All we can do now is pray.” All we…

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It’s Not About Me

I admit it.  I confess that the Lord regularly teaches me the same lesson over and over again.  And, for some unexplainable reason, so often, I still don’t get it!! What lesson did the Lord again remind me of this time?  Simply this.  God graciously uses PastorServe.  God kindly uses me.  But – God doesn’t…

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