Podcast with Jimmy Dodd

Jimmy Dodd Podcast PastorServe

  The Difference Between Surviving and Thriving in Ministry Boils Down to 6 Crucial Relationships        Jimmy shared the biggest lie pastors believe and the six relationships every pastor needs. Big Questions: What are the six relationships every pastor should have? How can pastors cultivate deep true friendships? What is the biggest lie…

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3 Things Every Pastor Needs

Pastors need 3 things

Sometimes the news recycles – and the second time around can hurt worse than the first. There was a story that hit me hard in 2013. Teddy Parker, 42, a pastor in Macon, Ga., died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the driveway of his home while his members at Mount Zion Baptist Church and…

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The Ministry of Preaching Reminders

Preaching Reminders - PastorServe

For my 30th wedding anniversary my wife gave me a smart watch. It’s called a Pebble Time. I like it a lot. One of the things I like about it is, that it gives me reminder notifications. About 30 minutes before an appointment, my watch buzzes and a notice comes up that says, “Hey, stupid!…

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Haiti PastorServe Conference

Haiti PastorServe Conference

A team of nine recently traveled to Haiti to serve pastors and their spouses at the 2015 PastorServe Haiti Pastors Conference. The Lord graciously used the conference to renew marriages, recharge weary souls and bring Gospel transformation. In PastorServe’s sixteen-year history, this conference ranks near the top in terms of transformational impact upon pastors’ lives.…

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The Year In Review

‘Few understand the unique experience of us pastors and our loved ones…Though we are surrounded by crowds, we are often lonely. Though we are expected to affirm and encourage, we are often the brunt of criticism. Though we may have many “fans,” what we really crave are friends. Though we are leaders and teachers, we…

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Identity & Ministry

Identity and ministry PastorServe

Identity sorting is critical for ministry. In ministry we are constantly tempted by identity distortion. We are not fundamentally what we do, what roles or titles we carry, or even how people receive us in those roles. In Matthew’s account of Jesus’ wilderness temptation the first two of three attacks begin with Jesus’ identity, “If…

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Watching for the Light

Watching for the Light - Advent | PastorServe

The Journey through Advent to Christmas It’s getting to be that time of year when the days get shorter and it’s dark more hours than it is light. For some people, this time of year can trigger depression. In fact, according to Norman Rosenthal, MD, 6% of the US population, primarily in northern climates, is affected…

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The Rich in Haiti

The Rich in Haiti - PastorServe

I am sitting in a bus…well, bouncing in a bus is more accurate, en route from Kaliko to Port-au-Prince, and my heart is trying to articulate the week I’ve just experienced. I have been part of the PastorServe staff that has just completed a conference for Haitian pastors and their wives. We had the great…

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Lessons from Watching the World Champion Royals

Lessons from Watching the World Champion Royals - PastorServe

While I understand that this letter goes out to friends around the country, please allow me to express a little excitement for the World Series Champions, my hometown Kansas City Royals. Allow me share with you the three greatest lessons I personally learned from watching the World Champion Royals in 2015. First, stop writing the end of the story before…

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Why Are We So Quick to Leave The Church?

Why are we quick to leave the church? - PastorServe

I like to eat at Chili’s. I like to shop at Eddie Bauer. I like to sit down for coffee and conversation with friends at the locally owned coffee shop. And I typically enjoy my experience at all three of these favorite locations. But occasionally, something can get a bit sideways. Sometimes the food is…

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