Honoring Frank Brown, Encourager of Pastors

Frank Brown entered into his heavenly reward early Monday morning, September 18. Frank was born February 7, 1933, as he is a beautiful model of living life for the glory of the Lord and the good of others. Frank was a dear friend to PastorServe. Frank always referred to PastorServe founder Jimmy Dodd as “my…

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Media for Good…

As we know, media can be used for good or for evil. Media can build, encourage and educate. And, unfortunately, we have all witnessed the destructive influence of the media. The news is filled with daily examples of how the power of media is used to find a lost child, bring relief to victims of…

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Taking Stock

Taking Stock Checklist - PastorServe

Even in our frantic world of task lists and digital leashes there is ebb and flow. Many if not most churches and businesses work off of a school calendar. Summer is to varying degrees the lull before the frantic opening of the season for school, ministry year, and hooray – college football! In lulls, however…

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Perspective Changes the Way We See Everything

Perspective Changes Everything

We think we are having a bad day when we spill coffee on our pants, until we learn that our next door neighbor was just diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Suddenly, that coffee stain doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal. We are furious with ourselves after receiving a speeding ticket on…

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Pastors Need to Take a Sabbatical

Pastors Need to Take a Sabbatical

It is tough being a pastor! It’s tough being in full-time ministry! We think its hard now, but it has always been a challenge. Look at what Paul said about his ministry, 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 (NIV) 23  … I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed…

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Pastors Are Appreciated in Kansas City

PastorServe Pastors Appreciation Breakfast

“For a morning, I felt like a VIP. I felt like someone granted me a backstage pass to do something that most people in our church will never have the opportunity to do. For a morning, I felt incredibly special!” When I hear pastors speak words like that, I realize all the effort was well…

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I never thought it would happen to me.

I never thought it would happen to me

We love doing preventative care. We know, sadly, there will always be a need for crisis care and we are more than willing to do it. We have seen the same sad story too many times to count. Did I say “sad”? Sad is the wrong word – gut wrenching and soul crushing are more…

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Three Weaknesses of Sound Bite Leadership

Sound Bite Leadership - PastorServe

What are some favorite sound bites that you’ve gleaned from the leadership books you’ve read or the conferences you’ve attended? You know what I’m referring to, right? It’s that one to two-line statement that’s a mic drop moment. Upon hearing it, you turn to a colleague at a conference and say, “Wow, that was worth…

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The Pastor and Generosity

The Pastor and Generosity

Most pastors aren’t paid enough.  They work as hard if not harder than the people they serve, and yet their income is often below those they serve. As a result, sometimes being financially generous as a pastor is a challenge. Tithing can seem like an impossibility.  We may preach the concept of tithing, but have…

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24/7 Tennis - PastorServe

I had a good laugh during the recent PastorServe Haiti pastor’s conference. Posted at the reception desk of the hotel was a sign promoting tennis lessons for a mere $5 per hour. The sign read, “Tennis instructor available 24/7. $5 per hour. Please contact reception for reservation.” I let the receptionist know that I wanted to…

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