Confessions of an Occasional Drinker

Confessions of an Occasional Drinker - PastorServe

These are the confessions of an occasional drinker: I don’t drink enough. When I drink, I don’t often drink deeply. When I drink, I usually drink from more than one container. When I drink, I typically sip rather than gulp. When I drink, I’m usually distracted. When I drink, I often wonder if it will…

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PastorServe Book Series

Survive or Thrive by Jimmy Dodd

Approximately sixteen months ago, David C Cook approached PastorServe about leading a project to produce a new series of books for pastors. Survive or Thrive, 6 Relationships Every Pastor Needs, is the first book in The PastorServe Book Series published by David C. Cook. Author and PastorServe founder Jimmy Dodd says, “The book is intended to…

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Sand Grunts

Sand Grunts - PastorServe

I love a parade! I’ve always loved parades. I love the floats with waving queens, the bands, the clowns, the horses and free candy. Who doesn’t love a parade? I’ll tell you who. The poor person at the end who is sweeping up the mess left by the horses – that’s who! Every parade has…

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Your Small Church Church Is Big

Your Small Church Church Is Big - PastorServe

I want my church to grow. I want your church to grow. But more than anything, I want the church to grow. I want as many people as possible, all over the world, to know Jesus. The good news of the gospel can’t be confined within the walls of my church, the distinctives of my…

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Leading Change

Leading Change - PastorServe

John Kotter is the youngest man given tenure and a position as full professor at Harvard Business School. His excellent little book entitled “Leading Change” is a business classic that ought to be on every pastor’s shelf. Time after time we see change efforts go badly because the common grace wisdom principles about people, organizations,…

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From our President

We look back and are amazed…and there is literally nothing we can take credit for at PastorServe. It’s all Jesus! Everything. I was recently reminded that the history of PastorServe is a history of the kindness of Jesus. As I look back over PastorServe’s most recent five years, every key initiative came about because about…

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Focus on Jay Fowler, Midwest Regional Director

Jay Fowler - PastorServe Midwest Region Executive Director

In September 2014, Jay Fowler came on the full time staff of PastorServe, as the Executive Director of the Midwest Region.  A great addition to our team, Jay is an ordained Anglican priest in the Anglican Church of North America. Jay has been in full-time pastoral ministry for over 30 years. During that time he…

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Strength Through Weakness

Strengths vs. Weaknesses - PastorServe

Thank God that he uses human weakness to bring glory to his name. While many believe the Bible is the story of strong leaders who were used by God to accomplish remarkable deeds, the story of the Bible is more accurately described as God using weak, broken, flawed, sinful, messy people to accomplish his purposes.…

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Outsourcing Pastoral Care: The List Continues to Grow

Outsourcing Pastoral Care - PastorServe

For the past several years, we’ve noticed more openness on behalf of churches and denomination leadership to outsource the care and coaching of their pastors. Why such openness? Because they realize that just because pastors aren’t seeking help internally, doesn’t mean they don’t have challenges, problems or issues that need to be addressed. The reasons…

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Got Friends?

Got Friends - PastorServe

I will say it again – we were created for community. No one was created for isolation. And yet, we live increasingly fragmented, isolated lives. Our great grandparents would shudder at our definition of friendship. At its lowest level, social media has redefined friendship to mean casual awareness. I can ‘Friend’ you on Facebook although we have…

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