Connected, But With Who?

I was sitting at the kitchen table recently doing some research on my laptop.  My 20 year old daughter was at the other end answering emails on hers.  Other than the sound of fingers on the keyboards, there was complete silence as we kept pecking away.  Forty-five minutes later, my daughter broke the silence:  “Wow! …

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Blessing Those You Shepherd

Blessing Those You Shepherd - PastorServe

I’ll never forget the first time I experienced receiving a benediction at the end of a worship service that was different than a closing prayer. The pastor walked to the front and said these words: “Now, I want to give you the good word. Please stand.” He kept his eyes open and with raised hands…

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What Is Behind My Anger?

What Is Behind My Anger? - PastorServe

Ephesians 4:26 | Be angry and do not sin. Anger is complicated. The Bible both commands it and gives STRONG warnings concerning it (Ephesians 4:26, 31; Proverbs 19:19; Proverbs 22:24; Ecclesiastes 7:9 to cite just a few). Anger is love expressed when fueling protection of the powerless, the voiceless, the poor, and the disenfranchised. Anger…

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Keep the Tractor Running

Keep the Tractor Running - PastorServe

As a pastor, how often have you thought about quitting your current assignment? Usually, the response I get to that question is, “Every Monday morning!” Let’s face it. There’s much about the weekends that serves to send adrenaline rushing through your veins. When it’s over, however, you’re faced with the relentless return of the Sabbath…

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Are You Relationally Bankrupt?

Are You Relationally Bankrupt? - PastorServe

Other than your wife, if married, who’s your closest friend? Some of you might admit that your wife is your only true friend. She knows you better than anyone else. She’s your soul mate. You can pour your heart out to her at the end of a long day. She provides a safe place in…

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Speak Life

Speak Life - Words - PastorServe

I have always been fascinated by the power of words. My Grandfather regularly demystified and imparted his varied artisan skills, from molding precious metals to hitting a curve ball, with simple, empowering guidance.  My Dad is a war veteran not easily rattled, but there was a phone call one April night that buckled his knees.…

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Divine Bridges

Divine Bridges - PastorServe

I recently had the joy of marking off ‘Rafting the Royal Gorge in Colorado’ from my bucket list. One of the great moments of the adventure is passing under the Royal Gorge Bridge, standing 90 stories above the Arkansas River.  The Royal Gorge Bridge, constructed in 1929, holds many memories. I first passed over the…

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Being Content

I recently had the opportunity to teach for a pastor friend of mine. He’d been teaching through Philippians and asked if I’d teach on 4:10-13. While excited to fill in for him, my heart sunk when I heard the passage from which he wanted me to teach–Paul’s familiar words on contentment. As a pastor, do…

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The Passion Awards We won! Trust me – it’s not everyday I get to use that sought after phrase.  I was able to use that phrase in 1978 after my high school football team won the state championship and I was able to say ‘we won’ in 2003 when my team won a fiercely fought game of…

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Never Walk Alone

KU Logo - PastorServe

Rock Chalk Jayhawk…KU. Dick Vitale called this the greatest cheer in college sports. The Rock Chalk chant starts every basketball game and rains down at the close of every home victory. While I have passionately maintained that the Rock Chalk chant is the greatest tradition in all of sports – I have recently changed my…

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