Temptation and Head Lumps

Temptation and Head Lumps - PastorServe

There is a habit we learned at a young age that lingers. We probably don’t even remember learning it. As Christ followers, we learned to confess our sins. Most of us can rattle off texts like, “Confess your sins to one another that you may be healed.” What about our temptations? We learned early on…

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A Learner’s Heart

Few People have moved my heart like Pastor Claude Mondesir, pastor of the Eglise Baptiste Evangelique Eben Ezer in Croix des Bouquet, Haiti. Before I tell you about Pastor Claude, allow me to provide a little background. At PastorServe, we frequently emphasize the need for pastors to have six foundational relationships – boss, trainer, coach,…

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The Beach Ball Effect: PART 3

Beach Ball Effect - PastorServe

In the last Blog called the Beach Ball Effect, we discussed how feelings are like a beach ball.  When we suppress them, it is like pushing the beach ball under the water.  If those feelings are not dealt with, they pop out, usually hitting whoever is nearby when our emotions get vented. There are several…

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Lessons Ross Taught Me

Lessons Ross Taught Me - PastorServe

  As a young man of 17, I left home headed for college in the suburbs of Chicago.  From a small town in Wisconsin, I had little idea what was in store for me.  Paired with three other freshly-released teenagers in an apartment without supervision or accountability proved to be as you’d imagine it –…

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Humility and Honesty

Humility and Honesty - PastorServe

“I’m just tellin’ it like it is!” “I’m just being honest!” “My parents taught me to always tell the truth.” Ever hear or say those words in a conversation (or something along those lines) ? There are times when heartfelt expressions of honesty are not well received. Too often, however, these statements are made in…

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Katrina Revisited

Katrina Revisited - PastorServe

  On Aug 29, 2005, Katrina, the deadliest hurricane to strike the US in the past 85 years, slammed into the Gulf Coast causing severe destruction from Texas to Florida. Because of the failed levee system, the hardest area hit was New Orleans. In total, Hurricane Katrina cost at least 1,245 people their lives. This…

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The Beach Ball Effect: PART 2

Beach Ball Effect - PastorServe

  In the last Blog called the Beach Ball Effect, we discussed how feelings are like a beach ball.  When we suppress them, it is like pushing the beach ball under the water.  If those feelings are not dealt with, they pop out, usually hitting whoever is nearby when our emotions get vented. There are…

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The Beach Ball Effect: PART 1

Beach Ball Effect - PastorServe

As you drive to work, you realize you are 15 minutes late to an important appointment with a big giver in your church. You seem to hit every stoplight along the way and you become more and more frustrated. You finally arrive at the church and put on a happy face for your meeting.  He…

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Ashley Madison and Repentance

Ashley Madison and Repentance - PastorServe

The past several months have been filled with heartbreaking stories of well know Christians and their moral failures. Like you, my heart hurt as I read story after story of those who have crossed lines, been caught in their sin and subsequently, according to those close to the situation, repented. It appears that every day…

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